Choku Bai Jo ~ Direct Selling Place
(Japanese translation)
Choku Bai Jo, The farmers outlet, opened on the 22nd of Feb 2008. The shop was set up by the Pentony Family who have been successfully selling originally Chemical free and then certified organic vegetables in Canberra for over 10 years. The shop was set up as an extension of the two farmers markets in Canberra which have both been heavily influenced by the Pentony's. On the 27th of January 2011, Choku Bai Jo opened its second outlet in Curtin.
In June 2015, Choku Bai Jo was purchased by the Pattison family. Charles one of the Directors is born and bred in Canberra and has been in the food retail industry for over 15 years. Growing up he spent many years working and helping on a dairy farm, located on the south coast of N.S.W. It is here where Charles gained his passion for supporting farmers and Australian grown produce. Charles is supported by a dedicated team of staff and also by his wife, Karli, and their 4 children.
Choku Bai Jo sells produce from producers that are at the markets as well as producers not able to make the markets. The goal of the shop is to give farmers another outlet for their fresh produce while making it easier for the public to access fresh produce direct from the growers.